Mar 12Liked by Linda Hoenigsberg

Wow, I'm so sorry this happened to you! The fall and injuries, as well as the attitude from the church! Painful!

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Thank you, Constance. Thankfully, by this time I knew BS when I heard it, so it wasn't exactly hurt I felt, it was disgust. I was on my way out by then...it still took a few more events though.

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Mar 12Liked by Linda Hoenigsberg

All this time I now learn the details of when you fell...I must have heard them before, but not sure when we reconnected....I know this was the beginning of a long long journey...Your life amazes me at the goodness of God and the plans you persevered in despite the pain and uncertainity...you are greatly loved and admired. ♥

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Awww! Thanks, friend! I can’t remember either…it seems like there was never a time we weren’t connected to me!

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